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Skills Training

Study and Training

Cansef Helping Hands Community

Make it easier for others to join a cause and work toward a common goal by setting up groups or programs. We have some public programs, if you want others in the area to be able to find your group and join you. Otherwise, we can also make it private program and just invite those you think may be interested in giving back to the community. To assist you to build your skills following are the services and programs of CANSEF services. You can find further related programs by clicking on any one of these given options of programs.

Current Skills Training Projects

In line with the latest immigration targets set by the Canadian government, we extensively work with new immigrants to help them upgrade their skills. We help them in getting them enrolled into required certification courses in various sectors such as medicine, technology, customer service Strems, certificates include Red Cross Certification and Food handler Certificate etc. After the completion of their courses, we further help them enter the workforce with the required skills sets.

Skills training program to achieve certifications which can help immigrants in Canada:

Computer Application Training

If anyone is searching for work, then CANSEF’s Computer Application Training is a good option for the beginning. We provide the resources, information, and motivation to find employment to the people who are in a way of finding employment.

Red Cross certification

Red cross certification in Canada is mandatory for several professions such as therapists, coaches, security guards and social workers. It includes different types of courses such as Basic life support, CPR/AED, Standard first aid etc. according to the professions. Therefore, we are here to assist you to figure out which certifications are necessary according to your previous experience. Moreover, if you want to pursue new career then we can guide you the best!

The courses of red-cross certifications:
  • Basic Life support:Intended to assemble member trust in performing cardiopulmonary revival (CPR) aptitudes in a group climate for experts with an obligation to react. Shows the significant strides to play out a fast appraisal, perform Basic Life Support (BLS) aptitudes, and perform quick defibrillation, including utilizing an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Aviation route Management and Oxygen Therapy can likewise be added as extra affirmations to this course.
  • CPR / AED
    Seminars on cardiopulmonary revival (CPR) give the abilities expected to perceive and react to cardiovascular crises and stifling for grown-ups, youngsters, and infants relying upon the degree of CPR picked. Courses meet enactment prerequisites for commonplace/regional specialist security and protection sheets and incorporate the most current CPR rules and preparing in the utilization of a robotized outside defibrillator (AED).
  • Standard First Aid
    A thorough two-day course offers medical aid and cardiopulmonary revival (CPR) abilities for the individuals who need preparation because of work prerequisites or need more information to react to crises at home. The course meets enactment prerequisites for commonplace/regional specialist well-being and protection sheets and incorporates the most recent emergency treatment and CPR rules.

Food Handler Certificate Course

Food Handler Certification is mandatory because there are guidelines for food handling which are outlined by the Ontario Ministry of Health Food Handling Training. Therefore, before entering the food prep one should acquire the certification.

Communication Skills:

If you know the language of country, then you would not encounter any problem in adapting the new lifestyle. But, if you do not know the basic English in Canada, then it can be difficult for you. However, we can assist you with the pathway which will lead you to learn English and help you in adapting the society.

Some programs are for skilled immigrants or refugees who want to

  • Improve their language skill in English or French
  • Continue working in their profession or a related field.